THE SUN .”Cena d’addio di Balotelli verso il Palermo.” Si attende la conferma

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Mario Balotelli saluta il Liverpool con una cena d’addio, passaggio al Palermo vicino“, questo quanto titola oggi il “The Sun“. Contrariamente a quanto riferito dal “Daily Mail“, un altro dei quotidiani più importanti d’oltremanica vede SuperMario in partenza per il club siciliano: Mario Balotelli sembra avere salutato i suoi amici e compagni del Liverpool con una cena d’addio coi fiocchi, in vista di un trasferimento destinazione Palermo. […]“.

 Questo quel che titola il tabloid.

balotelli rosanero

Si attende una conferma definitiva … dovrebbe ormai essere solo questione di ore .. mentre sembra fasulla la notizia dell’interessamento del Nizza che sarebbe pronto a mandare un jet per mandarlo a prendere  e noi gli mandiamo la nostra aquila rosanero …. !

29.8.16...... Liverpool flop Mario Balotelli (wearing lime green shoes) threw a dinner for his boys in the private dining room at San Carlo Italain Restaurant in Manchester city centre on Monday night and it looked like he was saying goodbye to them. Balotelli and his boys got a homeless man begging outside the restaurant to photograph them on their phones.

29.8.16…… Liverpool flop Mario Balotelli (wearing lime green shoes) threw a dinner for his boys in the private dining room at San Carlo Italain Restaurant in Manchester city centre on Monday night and it looked like he was saying goodbye to them. Balotelli and his boys got a homeless man begging outside the restaurant to photograph them on their phones.

29.8.16...... Liverpool flop Mario Balotelli (wearing lime green shoes) threw a dinner for his boys in the private dining room at San Carlo Italain Restaurant in Manchester city centre on Monday night and it looked like he was saying goodbye to them.

29.8.16…… Liverpool flop Mario Balotelli (wearing lime green shoes) threw a dinner for his boys in the private dining room at San Carlo Italain Restaurant in Manchester city centre on Monday night and it looked like he was saying goodbye to them.

29.8.16...... Liverpool flop Mario Balotelli (wearing lime green shoes) threw a dinner for his boys in the private dining room at San Carlo Italain Restaurant in Manchester city centre on Monday night and it looked like he was saying goodbye to them. Balotelli and his boys got a homeless man begging outside the restaurant to photograph them on their phones.

29.8.16…… Liverpool flop Mario Balotelli (wearing lime green shoes) threw a dinner for his boys in the private dining room at San Carlo Italain Restaurant in Manchester city centre on Monday night and it looked like he was saying goodbye to them. Balotelli and his boys got a homeless man begging outside the restaurant to photograph them on their phones.

I tifosi rosanero gli scrivono :

  • salvo_barchettaScegli l’unica piazza dove potresti rilanciarti Mario !! Dove troveresti un ambiente ideale è tifosi pronti ad amarti e sostenerti !❤
  • disalvo_peppe0.0Balo é andato al Nizza mi dispiace .. vorrei averti voluto vedere con la maglia rosa 🙁
  • davide91902@mb459 ti aspettiamo a Palermo!
  • luca_kcVieni a palermo balo ti prego….
  • albanonicolaBalo vieni a Palermo e avrai una città intera ai tuoi piedi! Da noi troverai la GLORIA!